October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with S

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with S:

Saddex baa rag ugu liita: ma-toshe, ma-tashade iyo ma-tashiishe: Of all men, three types are the worst: he who does not know how to sew (clothes for himself), he who does not know how to get (clothes) and he who does not know how to take care ( of them).

Saddex waa layku nacaa: baryo badan, bukto badan iyo baahi badan: Three types: beggars, ailing people and gluttons, are all disliked equally.

Sagaaro laba tun oo la kala qalo ma leh: The neck of a dik-dik cannot be divided in half ( it is too small). The dik-dik is a miniature antilope.

Salaadi siday kuu qabataa loo tukadaa: As you are placed when caught by prayer-time, just so pray.

Salaad walba waqtigeeda la tukadaa. Every prayer should be offered at its proper time.

Samataliye sedkii waa janno
~To advice good is true faith

Shimbiri mar bay dab qaadday, markiina buulkii hooyadeed bay gubtay. Only once did a bird take up some fire and even then it burnt its mother’s nest. Said when someone acts beyond his knowledge and competence.

Shimbirba shimbirkiisu la duulaa. Each bird flies only with birds (bird) of its own kind.

Sidaad dooneyso haddaad weydo, sidaad ka badin weyso ayaa la yeela: If you fail to do what you want, do what you have to do.

Sidaan kuguu lisay iiguma hambayn: I had milked for you much milk but you have left me only a little. According to the somali traditions, after having been given some milk a guest must leave something for the host.

Sidee xeego loo xagtaa, ilkana u nabad galaan?: Is it possible to gnaw a hego and not break any teeth. Hego is the very hard fruit of one of the palm trees.

Sinji waa magguuraan: You will never get rid of what you were born with ( it will not roam from you)

Sir-ma-qabe Allaa u sahan ah. Allah Himself helps a simple man to find a good place for his camp.

Sir-ma-qabe saab baa biyo u celiya: For an honest man even a saab holds water. The saab is an openwork wicker frame for holding a water-jar.

Sirow ma hodmo
~A deceiver never prospers ( a cheater never succeeds)

Sir nageed lama sal gaaro: Women’s tricks are not something one is able to percieve.

Soomaalidu been waa sheegtaa, beense ma maahmaahdo. Somalis can lie, but their lie will never become a proverb.

Taladaan la ruugin waa lagu rafaadaa: An unconsidered (unchewed) decision will make you suffer.

Talo adigaa ku nool ee iyadu kuguma noola: It is you who need advice, it does not need you ( therefore advice should be appreciated).