October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with R

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with R:

Rag waa raggii hore, hadalna waa intuu yiri: Real men are the men of old, and real words are those they pronounced.

Rag waa shaah, dumarna waa sheeko: Men like tea, women like conversation.

Rag haween ayaa kala hor mariya
~It’s the women who make some men succeed where others fail

Rag tag lama dhago ee wuxuu ku tago ayaa la tusiya.
“One doesn’t tell a man ‘go away’ but one shows him something so he will go.”

Rag waxaa u liita ma toshe, ma tashade iyo ma tashiishe
~The worst man is he who never sews, never consults and never economizes ( There is no social value for he who can’t consult his mind, can’t manage his assets wisely or can’t help himself otherwise)

Roonaa Rabbaa og; Only God knows what is best.Runi rag waa ka nixisaa, waxse ma yeesho: Truth can frighten a man, but it does not harm him.

Run iyo ilkaba waa la caddeeyaa: Truth and teeth should both be polished.