October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with O and Q

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with O and Q:

Oodo dhacameed siday u kala sarreeyaan baa loo kala guraa: As the branches of a fence (gate) are piled up, so they should be taken down.

Oodi qaadis iyo jiidis waa isla guri weyn. It makes no difference if you carry or drag a branch ( to make a fence) it will get to the same yard (house).

Qabri qori-saarid mooye qori-ka qaadid ma leh: One should take branches to the grave ( marking the buring place ), but should not take them away. This means, one should help a man in neeed, but should not ask him for help.

Qawl nin weyn ka dhacay waa qolof geed ka dhacday. The word of a man is like a piece of a bark which has fallen from a tree ( bark does not go back to its place and man does not take back his word).

Qaybshe qad ama qaaday: He who divides something gets either nothing or too much.

Qof aan dhididini ma dhego
~A person who doesn’t sweat, does not get his/her fill

Qof kuu digey kuma dilin
~ He who warns in advance is not likely to kill you (The man who fore-warns you is like the one who saves your life; someone who gives you a verbal warning beofre starting any hostilities with you cannot be blammed for harming you afterwards. if one admonishes you before he/she does harm to you, is the one who must be listened with care and left alone in peace; otherwise you will share the blame with him/her if anything untoward happens)

Qooq ma jabee ninkiisa jaba: It is not the madness that gets in trouble but its owner (i.e. the madman himself).

Qori iyo qiiqiisa waa laysla tuuraa: To get rid of smoke, you also throw out a fire-brand ( i.e. together with a bad thing one throws out a good thing).

Qun-yar-socde qodaxi ma muddo: He who walks slowly will not step on a thorn.

Quud aan jirin qoryo u guro. There is nothing to cook yet, but he has started to gather brushwood.