October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with E and F

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with E and F:

Eebe ma naxee waa naxariistaa. God does not have mercy (on people), but is merciful (he inflicts many ordeals, but gives people all they need).

Erayga alifka ku qalloocda al bakhra kuma tooso: If you err in the first letter of a word, it will not become better by the last letter ( by the last sura of Koran).

Fadhi iyo fuud yicibeed laysku waa: One cannot sit at home ( i.e. idle) and enjoy yi’ib nut soup. Somalis usually go to remote and often almost inaccessible places to gather these very nutritious nuts.

Fallaadhi gilgilasho kaagama go’do: The arrow will not fall out of your body however hard you may shake (i.e. no excuse will help you if you have been exposed).

Far kaa xumaatay filiq-filiq kaagama harto: However hard you shake (your hand) a score (bad) finger will not fall off ( i.e. you cannot get rid of your shortcomings).

Far keliya fool ma dhaqdo. One finger cannot wash a face.

Fari qorrax ma qariso
~A mere finger can’t obscure the sun ( one can not hide the truth by deception alone

Farta iyo meesha buktaa is og. The finger knows where you ache (i.e. it always touches the sore spot).

Fiqi tolkii kama janno tago: A (Muslim) man of law will not go to paradise without his kin ( because their ties are very strong). Another interpretation: A (Muslim) man of law will not go to paradise because of his kin ( whom he has favoured).

Fuley habartii ma gablanto: The mother of a coward does not lose her son ( does not die without sons).

Fulayow, guuli kuu dhowaydaa!: Oh, coward, the victory was at hand ( but you let it go).

Fule xantii ma mooga: A coward knows that he is talked about.