October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with C

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with C:

Caado la gooyey caro Allay leedahay: A broken tradition angers God.

Cadowgaaga caano mac ayaa la siiyaa: An enemy should be treated to fresh milk (i.e. should be treated as a dear guest in order to lessen his vigilance).

Cagtii joogsan weyda, mar bay ceeb la kulantaa. The restless foot comes across trouble (shame).

Canjeelo siday u kala korreyso ayaa loo cunaa. As the pancakes are piled, so they should be eaten.

Calool dheregsani calool baahan kama naxdo: A filled stomach does not sympathise with an empty one.

Caano aan fiiqsi loo dhamin iyo hadal aan fiiro loo odhan feedhahaaga ayay wax yeelaan: Milk which is gulped and words which are said rashly will hurt your ribs ( in the first case they will ache from coughing, in the second from a beating).

Caano daatay dabadooda la qabtaa: When milk spills one tries to save the last drop at least ( catches milk by its tail).

Carruuri haddii aad kuftid way kugu qososhaa: When a grown-up falls, children laugh.

Carruurnimo waa ciil laga weynaaday: Childhood is a grudge, which will be forgotten in time. Said to a child who is eager to become adult.

Ciirtaa-dhamaa ceebtaa yaqaan. He who has drunk your sour milk (i.e. whom you have reared) knows how to offend you deeply.

Cimrigaagoo dheeraadaa geel dhalayuu ku tusaa. If you live long you will see how the camels are born. This is a city proverb, since the calving of camels is a normal thing for a nomad.

Cimri tegay ceeb laguma sagootiyo. An old man should not disgrace himself (one’s old age should not be seen off with disgrace.

Colaadi yaryaraysi ma leh: Enmity is never small (i.e. each enemy can bring trouble)

Col kaa badan iyo biyo kaa badanba way ku hafiyaan. You will be drowned by two things: pelty of water and plenty of enemies.

Colka wadhaf ma lagu deyey: What if we were to strike the enemy with a sling.

Said when someone has despaired of a problem he had tried to solve, as it seemed to him, by all thinkable means. This goes back to a tale about a tribe attacked by a strong enemy. After the attempts to repel it had failed and the people were about to surrender someone said ” What if we were to strike the enemy with a sling?” They tried and won .