October 16, 2024

Around the world in 10 questions: Map trivia edition


  1. What does a scale on a map represent?
  2. Which type of map would you use to find the boundaries of countries?
  3. What do the lines that run north to south on a map represent?
  4. Which projection is commonly used for world maps and distorts shapes and areas?
  5. What is the primary purpose of a topographic map?
  6. What color is commonly used to represent water on a map?
  7. Which line indicates the Earth’s equator?
  8. In cartography, what does the term “legend” refer to?
  9. What is GPS an abbreviation for?


  1. The relationship between map distance and actual distance
  2. Political map
  3. Longitude
  4. Mercator Projection
  5.  To illustrate terrain and elevation changes
  6.  Blue
  7.  0 degrees latitude
  8.  The key explaining the symbols and colors used on the map
  9. Global Positioning System