October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with D

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with D:

Daacadi ma hungowdo: Honesty is not treated with empty hands ( i.e. it always rewarded).

Dab aan kullaylkiisa la arag dambaskiisa lagama leexdo: Until you know how the fire burns you are not afraid of the ashes (i.e. until you know how the man is when he is angry you are not afraid of him when he is calm).

Dab munaafaq shiday mu’min baa ku gubta. A fire lit by sinful man (a hypocrite) burns a sinless man (a good Muslim).

Dad iyo duurba wax aadan filayn baa kaaga soo baxa: You should expect from people and the forest what cannot predict.

Dagaal wiil baa ku dhinta ee wiil kuma dhasho: In a war sons (a son) are killed, but none are borned.

Dagaal nin aan aqoon baa ku orda
~A men who doesn’t know about war is likely the one who rushes ot it

Dameerada tan ugu foosha xun ayaa ugu haraanti kulul: An ugly she-ass kicks most angrily (i.e. ugly women are most capricious).

Dameeri isku-halleyn bay hooyadeed dabada uga nuugtaa: A foal quietly suckles a she-donkey from behind ( not being afraid of a kick).

Dameeri dhaan raacday. The camels went for water and a donkey skipped with them. Said about an excessively complaisant person.

Damiin faro waaweyn baa wax loogu qoraa. For a muddle-headed pupil everything should be written in capital letters (it is difficult to ram something into a numskill).

Dani xishood ma leh. Gains are shameless (i.e. in striving for gains a man loses all sense of shame).

Dan iyo xarrago is weyday: One cannot think of gain and please one’s pride.

Dantaada maqaar ey baa loogu seexdaa. In striving for gains you will sit even on a dogskin. According to Muslim ideas a dog is a dirty animal, so after having touched one , the ‘defiled’ spot needs repeated ablutions.

Dawaco meeshay macal uga baratay ayay macaluul ugu baqtidaa. The Jackal who has got accustomed to fat brisket will die of starvation.

Dawaco tallaabadeediina ka tagtay, tii Nebigana gaari wayday: The jackal has changed its step but still does not walk like the Prophet (i.e. one cannot change oneself).

Dhagarqabe dhulkaa u dhaqdhaqaaqa: The ground quakes under a rascal (i.e. it seems to him that he is pursued).

Dhagax taabasho iyo tuujin waa isugu mid: It is all the same to a stone whether you touch it or squeeze it ( i.e. it does not matter).

Dhar aanad lahayni dhaxan kaama cesho: Somebody else’s clothes do not warm you.

Dhar magaalo intii laga xirto waa dhowdahay, dhal magaalase intii lagu noqdo noqdo waa dheer tahay: One can quickly put on town clothes, but it takes a long time to become a townsman.

Dhegi meel dheer bay ku dhacdaa, dhagaxna meel dhow: A stone flies (falls) near, a word (an ear) far off.

Dheriga karka kulaylkaa ka keenay: it washeat that made the cooking pot boil ( it was a certain reason that made that person angry.

Dheri ninkii ag jooga ayaa lafta kala baxa: He who sits close to a cooking pot gets a good bone.

Dhicisku inta birta loo soo siduu ka bakhtiyaa: A prematurely born ( camel) can die before one brings a knife ( to slaughter it). Said when the slighest delay can damage a case.

Dhubuq-dhubuq hore dhabanno-hays dambe ayay leedahay: He who makes haste at firs twill clutch at his head afterwards.

Dhurwaa kan ciya iyo kan aamusan, kan ciyaa roon: A barking hyena is better than one which keeps silent ( it is less dangerous).

Doofaar ficilla’aan baa loo cadaabaa. A swine is cursed only because it is a swine. Said when somebody is treated with undue contempt.

Doqon iyo *censur* nimay legdaan kama kacaan: A fool and a woman will not get off the man they have brought fown.

Doqon wixii casarkii lagu caayo ayay cishihii kugi caysaa: How you curse a fool in the afternoon so will he curse you in the evening. This usually means: One should not do anything with a fool.

Doqoneey, dabkaa ba’. Oh fool, your fire is too hit. Said when a silly person offers his help: one cannot even ask him to kindle a fire, he will burn everything around him

Doqonta usha agteeda ku dhufo, hadday garan weydana gogga u geli. Threaten a fool with a stick and if he misunderstands you beat him.

Doqoni calaf ma leh. A fool has no luck

Doqoni meeshii lagu dagaalay waa ogeyd ee meel lahu heshiiyey ma ogeyn: The fool knew where they fought but not where they were reconciled.

Doqoni sokeeye ma aha: A fool is not a kinsman ( i.e. one cannot rely upon).

Doqoni xadhkaha lagu xidhayo xusulladay ku sidataa: A fool brings the rope himself with which he will be bound.

Doqonnimo daawo ma leh: One cannot be cured of foolishness.