October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with J and K

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with J and K:

Jinni ninkii keenaa bixiya. He who brought the jinnee (the trouble) must take it away.

Kaadi-badane waa loo gogol badiyaa. One has to change many ats for the man who is incontinent (i.e. one has to be patient with an intolerable person).

Kab iyo xaarkeed waa laysla tuuraa: A shoe is thrown out together with the shit it has trodden on.

Khayr wax kaama dhimee shar u toog hay: In good times be ready for bad times ( because times always change).

Kabxume ma hadhee kablaawaa hadha: ( on the road) the one who has no shoes falls behind, not the one whose shoes are bad ( i.e. it is better to have something bad than to have nothing).

Kor waayel waa wada indho: A old man sees even with his skin ( his skin consists of eyes).

Kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur. He drove the cattle from plague to glanders (i.e. went from one trouble to another).

Kula-jire, kaa-jire: He is with you but not with you ( i.e. he only pretends to be your friend).

Kunka koodi kownaka guurso.
“A thousand assignations, one marriage.”

Kuu-shekeeye, kaa-shekeeye ha la sheekeysan. Do not trust ( do not talk to) he who gossips with you about others and with others about it.Laabi laba la’: A man’s chest cannot hold two (different) things together ( i.e. it is impossible to think about two different things at the same time).

According to the notions of the somalis, the chest ( as well as the stomach) is the main depository of the intellect.