October 16, 2024

Somali proverbs starting with U and W

This is a list of popular Somali proverbs starting with U and W:

Ushaada nin aad ka qaadan kartid ayaa loo dhiibtaa: Give your stick to hold only to a man from whom you can take it away again.

Waa dhalaankii dhalmada hooyadood baray.
“These youth taught their mother to give birth.”

Waanu abuuris baa ka horreysay. The character of a man was formed before the arguments (and therefore no form of persuasion can change it).

Waari mayside war ha kaa haro. You will not remain (on earth) let a good memory of you remain.

Waayeel warkiisa kaftan buu ku dhammeystaa: A grown-up ma concludes his speech with a joke.

Wadiiqada yari waddada weyn bay kugu riddaa: A small path will take you to a big road.

Waraf iyo shimbiro war isuma hayaan. The sling feels no animosity towards the birds (i.e. it kills them not through animosity, but by the will of its owner).

War jiraaba cakaaruu iman: News hurries to a meeting place (i.e. secrets become known).

War la qabaa xiiso ma leh: What is known is not interesting.

Waxaad barataaba waa baaskaa: what will ruin you is what you have got accustomed.

Waxaad taqaan guurso, waxaad taqaan ha kuu dhashee: Marry a woman you are sure of and you will have no doubt of your children ( i.e. you will be sure that you are their father).

Waxaan ku cuninba waa la cunaa: What does not eat you is eatable.

Wax badso wax beel bay leedahay. If you want to get more, you will lose everything.

Wax is weyddiini ma xuma ee wax is weydaarsi baa xun. It is not bad to ask each other for something, but it is bad to dodge each other.

Wax la arko carrab iyo ilkaa isugu dhow, iyaguna waa is qaniinaan: Nothing is so close to teeth as a tongue and event hen thet sometimes bite it.

Wax la qariyo qurun baa ku jira. In What one hides (from people) there is always something bad (a piece of shit).

Wax qof la toosan baa qof la tuur leh: What is straight to one man is crooked to another ( i.e. what is liked by one man is disliked by another).

Wax rag kaa galay rako kaa gale: What you give a man you will not get back ( it will stick with him).

Weysha gowrac, dibigu ha ku quustee. To get a bull, slaughter a heifer.

Wiil is walaaba waabiyaa hela: Every rowdy will meet a man who can master him.

Wixii araggiisu ku deeqo ayaa oontiisu ku deeqdaa: What is nourishing in appearance is nourishing indeed.

Wixii uurkaaga ku jira afkaa kaa xada. Your tongue steals what hides your soul ( stomach).